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  • I am a single mother looking to help other single mothers and anyone who wants to increase their finances. I began adulthood in student loan debt and for most of my adult life, I struggled financially. I have a degree that I don’t use, I worked low-paying jobs due to the lack of related work experience and at times I worked 2 jobs and still had to rob Peter to pay Paul.

    Once I became a single mom the struggle became very real. I had to make many scarifies which mostly affected me financially. I turned down jobs because they were too far. I wouldn’t take a lunch break so I could leave work at a certain time to pick up my son from school and on days when he was sick, I would have to miss work. Being frustrated with the constant struggles I took to the internet and searched how to make money online.

    Over the last few years I’ve learned about affiliate marketing, digital marketing, and selling products online (e-commerce). I have taken courses, read books and joined online communities and groups. In 2020 I finally decided what business model I wanted to try and my digital agency was born.

    Growing up I always had the desire to work for myself so I could have the flexibility and freedom to live life on my own terms. I couldn't see myself being an employee until I reached retirement. Having to request off work to do something as simple as going to a doctor's appointment or having someone tell me how much I'm worth and how much money I can make. I would dream about being able to be a financial resource for my family and having the means to take care of my mother as she took care of me. I knew working a single 9 to 5 wouldn't allow me to live that life and that is why I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business.

    Something or someone lead you to my website. Maybe you’re ready to start a business or just looking for a side hustle. Whatever the case is, I am here to help. I am here to pass along my knowledge and share my experiences with those of you who want to take control of your finances. I am not a business expert and I am not a financial advisor. I am a single mother in pursuit of financial freedom looking to help free others along the way.

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